Conference Goals & Highlights

Pre-conference Sessions

Advocacy: How Practitioners Can Become Involved in Policy Development and Implementation

Presented by CFED
Learning the techniques of policy development and advocacy can help practitioners become more effective advocates at the state and federal levels. This session will present these techniques within the context of current state and federal assets initiatives.

Asset Building: What Does it Mean and How Do You Find the Right Strategies for Your Community

Presented by the Assets Alliance
Asset-building initiatives that work for one community may not be the best for another. This interactive session will explore methods for determining the strategies that make the most sense for different communities.

Serving Native Communities through Asset Building: A Practitioners Forum

Presented by First Nations Development Institute, First Nations Oweesta Corporation, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Asset-building practices to serve Native communities are emerging across the country. This session will provide an overview of these strategies and explore how practitioners can apply them in their communities.

Making the Most of the 2006 Assets Learning Conference

Presented by CFED
The 2006 Assets Learning Conference will offer many opportunities for learning, sharing, and networking. This session will provide a 30-minute introduction to how the conference is organized and how to make the most of the experience.